In an unprecedented initiative to promote sustainability in the Mediterranean Sea, the Clúster Nàutic Català by ADIN has launched the Distintivo de Calidad Medioambiental Náutica (DQN), a seal that certifies the environmental commitment of companies in the nautical-maritime sector. This label is awarded to companies that demonstrate, through a responsible declaration, that both their managers and employees are committed to following a guide of good environmental practices, thus promoting a more sustainable development model.

Nautic Luis, more sustainable than ever.

The Mar Blau Association and the Clúster Nàutic Català have awarded Nautic Luis the distinction of Nautical Environmental Quality, positioning itself as a Sustainable Company 2024.

The DQN initiative arose in response to the growing concern about the environmental impact of recreational nautical activities, especially in an ecosystem as delicate as the Mediterranean. Statistics show an increase in the number of vessels, with a fleet of around 75,000 units in Catalonia, highlighting the urgency of implementing sustainable practices.

“The concern for the environment and especially for the conservation of the Mediterranean and our seas is increasingly noticeable among users and new buyers of recreational boats. Nautical companies have to be the first to commit to this”, says Enrique Carrasco, CCO of Nautic Luis.

The DQN not only symbolizes a commitment to the environment, but also represents an economic opportunity. Companies that adopt this label can attract a growing segment of tourists and customers concerned about sustainability, thus differentiating themselves in a competitive market.

Among the processes to which Nautic Luis is committed after the award are, for example, the management and treatment of waste generated by the activity, such as oils, paints, batteries or solvents, the use of products for the maintenance of first class boats such as antifouling.

Undoubtedly, new practices that are here to stay and that Nautic Luis is already implementing as a pioneer company in the sector.